The Babylon Project

Ivanova crafting the image of Lincolni in the appearance of Sheridan

"The Centauri don't care about dead Narns, only living ones!"

Vir Cotto

"Abrahamo Lincolni" was a false identity created by Vir Cotto, fashioned after the old Earth president and emancipator, Abraham Lincoln.[1]

In 2260, after Vir's promotion and assignment to the diplmatic mission on Minbar, he begins receiving sensitive government information in line with his position. He discovers the horrible conditions that the Narn live under after their war with the Centauri. He concocts an elaborate ruse to get as many people out of the prison camps. As he did not have the authority to transfer prisoners, he invented someone who was. The resulting identity - "Abrahamo Lincolni" - freed the Narn slaves and had them transferred to other worlds. Then, to make sure they would no longer be harassed or come under risk of being enslaved once more, he forged death certificates for each. The now-"dead" Narns would be free to escape Centauri-controlled space.

After Vir used Babylon 5 as a transfer point, Zack Allan became aware of the activities and the obvious use of an Earth name on the papers. He informed Susan Ivanova, and she and John Sheridan confronted Vir with what they knew. They were livid after discovering the death certificates for thousands of Narn, signed by this "Lincolni", whom they knew to be Vir. Londo Mollari was quite proud of his young attache, but Vir ruined the moment by confessing that the Narn were not dead. He only faked their deaths to get them out of the prison camps. Ivanova and Sheridan were relieved that Vir was not a killer, but Londo was outraged, and soon Vir was removed from his position and ordered never to speak of this.

Once the dust settled, Ivanova stepped in and continued to use the name, even using an image of Sheridan - altered to look like a Centauri - as an official picture of "Lincolni". With the false identity, they continued to use Vir's work to free more Narn as long as the ruse would hold out.

