The Babylon Project

Solla was a Centauri nobleman and the elder brother of Durla.


Though he was only a year older than his brother, Solla was considered to be a far more promising young man. A naturally gifted individual, Solla was superb soldier, an accomplished scholar, the best swordsman and was clearly the favourite of his father, himself a military man.[1]

When Solla was twenty one he caught sight of a young noble girl called Mariel. Solla was instantly besotted but another young man from their squad, Riva, also had designs on the young lady. Not willing to let the matter drop Riva attempted to fight Solla for Mariel's hand, though was soundly beaten, Riva publicly swore vengeance against his rival suitor. Shortly afterwards, both Solla and his younger brother Durla fell ill from poisoning and suspicion instantly fell on Riva. Though Durla survived, Solla eventually succumbed and when the other members of their squad moved to arrest him, Riva very stupidly made to terminal error of resisting arrest.

With both of Mariel's suitors dead, Durla approached Mariel and confessed his love for her. Mariel had only been interested in Solla and Riva because they had potential and were destined for greater things had no interest in Solla's lesser brother, the "pathetic" Durla and cruelly dismissed the young man. Unknown to all at the time it had actually been Durla who had poisoned both his brother and himself and allowed the blame to fall of Riva, just so he would be free to have Mariel to himself.

Shortly thereafter, Mariel had become linked with House Mollari and her father arranged for her to wed the much older nobleman, Londo Mollari.[2]

